In a groundbreaking stride for the world of autonomous mobile robots, Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR) has unveiled MiR Fleet Enterprise. This state-of-the-art fleet management software is designed to refine the way we handle materials, enhance the scalability of robotic fleets, and fortify system security. With MiR Fleet Enterprise, MiR further cements its status as a leader in internal logistics and material management.
Enhanced Cybersecurity
One of the most remarkable aspects of MiR Fleet Enterprise is its robust approach to cybersecurity. MiR ensures protection against evolving cyber threats by embedding advanced security features. The software boasts a single sign-on system, audit logging, and a user permission system—all meticulously crafted to adhere to IEC 62443 Part 4-2 standards. This level of dedication to cybersecurity ensures that integrating and expanding AMR systems remain safe and sound.
Efficient Scalability
Built to handle the demands of growing fleets, MiR Fleet Enterprise accommodates complex integrations with ease. The switch from a traditional polling-based API to an efficient publish-subscribe model allows for swift and streamlined data exchange. This shift not only boosts system performance but also minimizes network load, making it adaptable for fleets larger than 100 units.
Flexible Configuration
Offering complete control to its customers, MiR Fleet Enterprise allows for easy customization of software configurations. This flexibility ensures that businesses can adjust swiftly to operational changes and keep up with modern IT infrastructures and cloud amenities.
Centralized Control and Integration
With a user-friendly web interface, MiR Fleet Enterprise simplifies fleet management. It offers centralized control over robots within a facility, allowing seamless integration with systems like ERP, WMS, and MES. This ensures smooth logistics planning and operation, requiring minimal training for those at the helm.
Traffic Management and Deployment
Traffic management capabilities have been significantly enhanced in this new software. It automates the prioritization of tasks and robot deployment based on location and availability, ensuring that the best robot is selected for each task. This feature promises an informed, efficient operational experience, eliminating guesswork.
Market Context and Impact
The launch of MiR Fleet Enterprise happens at an opportune moment, aligning with the rapid expansion of the AMR market. Research by Interact Analysis indicates the global AMR market could surpass 2.7 million units by 2027. This surge in growth signals the demand for scalable, secure, and reliable software solutions, essential for enterprise-level operations.
MiR Fleet Enterprise sets a new standard in AMR fleet management, offering a scalable, flexible, and secure solution that optimizes and elevates material handling workflows. With top-notch cybersecurity, outstanding scalability, and adaptable configurations, this software is poised to be an industry benchmark. As the AMR market expands, MiR Fleet Enterprise stands ready to meet the dynamic requirements of its users, ensuring their robotic fleets remain at the forefront of technology and utility.
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